Making Skilled Staff Recruitment Easy is a revolutionary platform for jobseekers, recruiters and companies, designed to simplify the job hunt and application process. Forget about CVs, cover letters and endless interviews. Skills are all that truly matters in a job. Based on a unique skill-defined recruitment approach, matches candidates to job opportunities within seconds. 

Unfair Recruitment Process

There is a lack of recruiter’s understanding of the skills needed to be successful in a role. 

Post-rejection feedback to candidates is poor.

Complicated Hiring Systems

Jobseekers only know about openings advertised on recruitment portals.

Difficulties attracting and engaging talent

Job advertisements are unclear.

 The recruitment process is centred around “job titles” rather than skills.

Ineffective Data Processing From Job applications

There is poor interaction between all stakeholders involved in the recruitment process. This creates a gap between a candidate’s qualifications and the acquired and needed skills.

How Does It Work? is a two-part system where jobseekers and recruiters each create a profile. Jobseekers list all their relevant skills obtained through education or previous work on their profiles. Recruiters and employers define their job openings by listing the skills needed to succeed in the position.

Jobseekers, employers and recruiters select their profile skills from our specially constructed skills database containing 20,800 industry-approved skills that define over 6,200 positions. 

After creating a skill-based profile, we match job openings to candidates with the help of our AI algorithms. Once there is a 70% overlap between jobseekers’ skills and the skills needed for the available position, the jobseeker receives an invitation on their smart device prompting them to apply for an opening. If they are interested, they slide left, activating the interview process. Otherwise, they slide right. 

Easy. Efficient. Effective.

Skill, Knowledge & Experience

Skills, knowledge and experience are unique. 

When signing up for, jobseekers create a profile by selecting their skills from our extensive database. These have to be acquired through previous work experience or education. 

Employers use the same skill-based model when listing job openings.

Jobs Find You

If there is a 70% overlap between a candidate’s skill set and a job listing, candidates receive a notification for a match. 

To apply for a matched position, all they have to do is click on the “Yes” button. 

Keep Your Skills Up-to-date

Jobseekers must regularly update their skillset.

This improves their chances of being matched to the most suitable opportunities.

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